• Question: Why science exist. ?

    Asked by anon-213303 to Robert, Imad, Hannah, Fern, Christian, carolwallace on 9 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: Fern Johnson

      Fern Johnson answered on 9 Jun 2019:

      I think because people are naturally curious about how the world works! There is of course an element of wanting to improve or advance civilisation, by inventing new technologies to make our lives easier or medicines to treat illness. But there is still discovery for the sake of discovery, like finding a new species of animal or discovering a new planet.

    • Photo: Robert Ives

      Robert Ives answered on 9 Jun 2019:

      Science helps us to learn about the world in which we live, why things happen and how we can change things we do not like. Science helps us to grow better food crops, build new schools, hospitals and homes, talk to people in other parts of the world, improve the lives of humans, animals and plants and to reduce pollution. Sadly, science can also help people to do bad things, but most of us use science for good.

    • Photo: Carol Wallace

      Carol Wallace answered on 10 Jun 2019:

      People are nosy and want answers to questions and to strange occurrences.

    • Photo: Imad Ouachan

      Imad Ouachan answered on 11 Jun 2019:

      Science for me is about scientific method and the process we go about coming to conclusions that eventually lead to developments in thing such as technology and medicine.

      Firstly we ask a question and come up with a hypothesis (a potential explanation). Then you methodically test and observe the experiments try to prove or disprove your hypothesis. This is done in a controlled way usually only changing one part of the experiment at make developments!
