• Question: what GCSE opinions did you take, and why

    Asked by anon-213137 to Robert, Imad, Hannah, Fern, Christian, carolwallace on 10 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: Robert Ives

      Robert Ives answered on 10 Jun 2019:

      My additional options were Geography, PE, IT, Technology and Further Science. I wanted to take IT and Science, but had to choose between geography and history, and everyone had to do at least one technology subject

    • Photo: Fern Johnson

      Fern Johnson answered on 10 Jun 2019:

      I chose triple science, French and German. I had to do ICT as well, and short course Welsh and RE. I liked science and languages at school, I wanted to do History instead of French but I couldn’t.

    • Photo: Imad Ouachan

      Imad Ouachan answered on 10 Jun 2019:

      Triple science because I like understanding how things worked.

      French and Arabic as I had some I’d taken some classes for these when I was younger and thought learning a language would be useful.

      Business studies as I saw myself working in a big company when I was older so and I found understanding they operate to be quite interesting.

      P.E as I loved sport and it was a lot of fun overlapping with biology quite a lot.

    • Photo: Christian Gude

      Christian Gude answered on 10 Jun 2019:

      I didn’t take GCSE’s because they are not a thing in Germany, but I could pick for A-levels and decided to do Biology, Maths, Philosophy and English.

      I took Biology because I really liked the Biochemistry in it and maths because Chemistry wasn’t an option. There were not enough other students interested. I picked philosophy because I liked how different opinions and viewpoints could coexist in this subject, which is not usually the case for any other subject in which most answers are either right or wrong, black or white. Philosophy is all about the grey areas. Lastly I picked English because it was the only language I could pick that wasn’t German, again, not enough people interested in French at that point…

    • Photo: Carol Wallace

      Carol Wallace answered on 11 Jun 2019:

      In Scotland we didn’t do GCSE’s, but for highers I did History, English, Maths, Chemistry, French and German, and then did advanced Maths and Chemistry (almost did French and English too – but realised that I wanted to have fun in my last year of school, so ditched them!0
